Page 31 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 31

contacted us about this case
           and said that this cooperation
           would be very good. He
           first experienced from his                                                                               Samsun E-Magazine Samsun E-Magazine
           son that this collaboration
           would be fruitful. He has a
           son who loves King Shakir
           very much. He said that King
           Shakir is a very good tool
           to direct children to areas
           where they can be socially
           responsible. We really think
           so too. Because King Shakir's
           name is mentioned in many
           social responsibility projects.
           We always have a message
           of social responsibility. In this                             We create
           sense, we think that it will be
           a very important cultural tool                               characters
           for the spread of handball                                     that will
           sport. We are very, very
           excited about this.                                               raise
           There used to be a TV
           series called "The White
           Shadow". After this series
           was broadcast, basketball
           started to be played more
           in Türkiye. We think that
           the same effect can be
           had with King Shakir. I
           hope we can make children
           love handball together with
           King Shakir.

           There is a story of a balloon
           in the form of King Shakir
           being flown in Cappadocia.
           Very soon, Madame Tussauds
           will have statues of "King
           Shakir" and "Elephant             in
           Necati", as well as world
           brands and other brands of        your
           Türkiye.                          work
           You talk about the
           importance of the content                                                                              31 31
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