Page 35 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 35

be achieved. In that sense,       We have a theme park called        It is truly possible to change
           opening up King Shakir to         "King Shakir Adventure World"      everything in the dream
           the world is really my current    in Ankara. This theme park         world we create. If they have
           focus.                            will be established in many        a passion in this sense, I want     Samsun E-Magazine Samsun E-Magazine
                                             provinces of Türkiye. When we      them - especially our child
                                             expand to the world with King      readers - to follow this passion
                                             Shakir, it can be established in   to the end. Because what they
                                                  many countries too.           do with passion is not like
                                                                                work. When you turn your
                                                        There's a lot that      work into play, you feel like
                                                          can be done. I'm      you go on an endless vacation.
                                                            very excited. I     I think enjoying this is one of
                                                             can say this       the most beautiful happiness
                                                              to Samsun         in the world. I am experiencing
                                                               E-Magazine       this happiness right now.

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