Page 34 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 34

I Want King Shakir to Open Up to the World  Because this is an award we   Finally, what would you   sold, but there is not much
           truly deserved. Our people
                                                                                licensing of the series. What
                                             like to say to Samsun
                                             E-Magazine readers?
                                                                                we call license is the books,
           also saw our success. In this
                                                                                toys, t-shirts, etc. of the series
           sense, I would like to thank
                                                                                characters. In fact, this is
           our state representatives
                                             We have a very important goal
                                                                                one of the most important
                                             that we want to achieve right
                                             now: I really want King Shakir
                                                                                factors in the spread of a
           Is there a cartoon character
                                                                                culture. In this sense, King
                                             to open up to the world from
                                             now on. That's my current
           that you identify with your
                                                                                few Turkish cartoon heroes
                                             focus. A goal that is possible
           own personality?
                                                                                to achieve this. In this sense,
                                             to achieve. In this sense, I       Shakir is currently one of the
           I am actually a part of all the   even met with our Minister         it would be great if both
           cartoon characters I create.      of Culture and Tourism.            our state authorities and
           I'm trying to capture the         As you know, cartoons are          the Turkish private sector
           carefreeness of "Elephant         actually very important in         could support us. Because
           Necati", I'm trying to be like    spreading a culture in many        we brought it this far with
           him. For example, Elephant        countries around the world.        our own power. I think
           Necati follows the humorous       For example, we are now            very important goals can
           part of the job, I am actually    marketing our series
           a person with a strong            to the world,
           sense of humor. I also have       the series
           Elephant Necati's optimism.       are
           For example, King Shakir is
           adventurous. He loves going
           on adventures. I have that
           too. I am an entrepreneurial
           personality. I act with a truly
           entrepreneurial spirit in the
           things I want to do myself.
           This actually creates an
           adventurous trait of mine.
           Canan reads a lot of books, I
           read a lot of books too, and
           I was really hardworking
           in my classes, like Canan.
           Reading a lot is indispensable
           for me. There are maybe 50
           books open on my desk right
           now. Besides my studies, I
           spend my day reading books.
           Reading books is something
           that nourishes me a lot.

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