Page 29 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 29
experiencing. In fact, if King Shakir were presented You brought us Türkiye's
this recycling was done, or to the children of the world first cartoon series for
even upcycling, which is a with a sustainability calendar adults, Fırıldak Family.
step ahead of this, many prepared. This is truly one What were the first Samsun E-Magazine
environmental disasters of our most important reactions you received in
could be prevented. In this achievements. this process where you
sense, scientists actually broke new ground?
constantly make warnings. The movie “King Shakir:
The movie tells exactly Recycle” had very good When "Fırıldak Family" was
about this. As mentioned feedback in this sense. Even first broadcast, we said that
in the story of the movie; speaking of feedbacks; the it was "Türkiye's first cartoon
in a world polluted due first reactions from those series for adults". At first
to environmental factors, who watched the movie it was compared to "The
garbage is collected and were very good. The children Simpsons" and "Family Guy".
launched into space with immediately started giving It was seen as an imitation
a rocket, despite all the warnings to their parents, of these. Actually, this is
warnings of our "Mirket" such as "Mommy, don't throw a genre called "animated
character, the scientist in the it away, we can recycle it.". sitcom". This is the first time
movie. However, since the Because we tell our stories a study of this type has been
galaxy was later polluted, and messages in a very conducted in Türkiye. Later,
the aliens return to Earth to entertaining way; in fact, as when the Fırıldak Family
take revenge, but the movie soon as the child watches was truly understood by the
ends with a surprise ending. the cartoon, he immediately audience, they started to say
It really has a very surprising internalizes it and begins to that it was better than foreign
finale. directly apply our message productions. We already
that can be beneficial to the thought it would be like this.
"King Shakir: Recycle" was world. In this sense, the film Because a humor production
a very good movie. The has a huge impact. that tells about the life of
United Nations Development this country, the experiences
Programme even printed Your book “King Shakir: of a Turkish family and that
the poster of this movie Recycle” also hit the has flourished in a culture
on a calendar. Many topics shelves recently. What that belongs to us, directly
covered in King Shakir would you like to say about penetrates our soul. In this
cartoon, from quality the book? sense, it is truly loved more
education to the climate than foreign productions
crisis, are very parallel to Of course, we are very happy. right now.
the 17 global goals of the It was a very nice book, I can
United Nations Development say that it has the best visual I receive hundreds of
Programme. There were also quality we have published messages every day asking
sections from King Shakir's to date. When I held it in my for the new season of the
episodes on the pages of hands, I really thought, "This Fırıldak Family series to start
the calendar. They have is a sweet book". I really really as soon as possible. One
also done this with Angry like the book. It also makes day we will actually start the
Birds and Smurfs characters me happy that the message Fırıldak Family, but we are
around the world. For the we give about recycling is currently trying to create the
first time in the world, these now reaching audiences and necessary groundwork for
messages from Türkiye with readers through the book. this. We are talking to 29