Page 30 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 30
I Want King Shakir to Open Up to the World digital channels. In this reason why I can make these the animal world. We have
sense, we are investigating
two characters named "Birce"
animations with my team is
and "Birol". They also have a
opportunities in which we
that I can use computers and
technology very well. Those
can invest. We will definitely
grandfather. The grandfather
frame-by-frame drawings
come with a new season
also has an interesting story.
of the series. Even if we
that were made with very
There is also a very funny
can't come back with a TV
expensive productions at
character. As you know, we
series, maybe we will come
the time... If we were in the
are currently in the age of
back with a movie. Fırıldak
days of Disney and there
Family is truly engraved in
is a Turkish robot character
were no computers, it would
our hearts right now. At this situation we were in the early artificial intelligence. There
named "Yapay Zekai". There
point, the audience is looking not be possible for us to is really a very good humor
forward to the start of the realize such productions. We involved. Our concept this
Fırıldak Family. started from the 1.0 era of time is a superhero story.
the Internet and by improving I'm talking about a very
Have you received any ourselves on the computer, important project that can
training in drawing and we are now able to make our grow as big as King Shakir.
animation, or are you , animations and drawings Even now, children watching
self-taught? very easily with a tablet on the Exxen platform are
connected to the computer. constantly pressuring us to
I did not receive any produce its new episodes.
training on this subject. I Your spectators and Childred loved the superhero
was reading a lot of comics readers follow you and as much as King Shakir. His
at the time. Starting with eagerly await your new books will also be published
Texas Tommiks, I read works. What awaits us in when his new episodes start.
many novels and magazines the near future? Do you I hope we will make a movie
including Mandrake, Kızıl have any new projects? about it in the future. It's a
Maske, then Gırgır magazine, project we really trust.
Fırt magazine, Hıbır, Limon We have a very important
and Penguen. I was very new project called “Super One of the most important
interested in such magazines. 1 Team”. This project was projects we have recently
I improved myself with these. broadcast in 26 episodes on undertaken is a very
the Exxen digital television important collaboration
I watched The Pink Panther a platform. These first 26 with the Turkish Handball
lot when I was a kid. When we episodes will most likely Federation. We made a
look at today; I watched the be rebroadcast on Cartoon King Shakir cartoon about
best made movies of anime. Network in February. handball to popularize
In fact, all of what I watched Then we made the sequel handball in Türkiye. It was a
were the most important episodes of this series. We very nice 11-minute cartoon.
sources that educated me in have now reached nearly 40 Children who watch that
this sense. Later, in the 1.0 episodes. These will start to cartoon will really love
era of the internet, I watched be broadcast both on that handball and want to play
many videos on the internet. channel and on YouTube. handball immediately. This
The computer programs I It is a project we have great is our aim anyway; bringing
use have had a great impact confidence in. In the project, handball to the streets.
on my self-education in this we have characters from the Turkish Handball Federation
30 sense. In fact, the biggest world of humans, not from president Uğur Kılıç