Page 22 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 22

All Rules of Pilot Profession Written in Blood  one feels free in the clouds   of all the difficulties I have   I can only say one thing:
                                             experienced. I know very
           while in the air, that one is
                                                                                BELIEVE, WORK and NEVER
                                             well that the whole point is
           immersed in a dreamlike
                                                                                GIVE UP.
           world, and that the earnings
                                             to believe, to work hard and
                                                                                We know that women
                                             not to give up. The fact that I
           are abundant. I believe that
                                                                                can successfully perform
                                             have a stubborn and warrior
           you are carrying a human
                                                                                any profession despite all
           being (a living being) in
                                             spirit by nature has a great
                                             effect on this. In this context,
                                                                                difficulties. As the only
           a vehicle with electrical,
           electronic and mechanical
           equipment in the air, and
           that it should be done by
           responsible people who are
           confident in their mental
           and physical control with
           this sense of responsibility
           and who are in love with
           this profession. Anyone
           can become a pilot with
           a "Class 1" health report
           to be obtained from full-
           fledged hospitals authorized
           by the DGCA and the
           Ministry of Transport and

           Can you tell us about your
           dreams and goals? What
           would you like to say to
           those who have dreams but
           have difficulties in realizing
           their dreams?

           I can say that I have achieved
           most of my goals. If they
           had told me 20 years ago
           that I would become a pilot,
           I wouldn't have believed it
           either. I had no intention
           of becoming a pilot in my
           mind, I didn't even dream
           of it. However, I can say that
           as the eldest of 6 sisters, as
           someone who has helped
           to 4 of her siblings for their
           education and helped them
           become professionals, I have
     22    never given up in the face
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