Page 45 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 45

Samsun E-Dergi Samsun E-Magazine Samsun E-Magazine

           unique biodiversity due to        water buffalos. In Samsun,
           the coexistence of habitats       which ranks first in buffalo
           with different ecological         breeding in Türkiye, 12
           characteristics, richness         thousand buffalos live in the
           of nutrients and favorable        Kızılırmak Delta. Many bird
           climatic conditions, is also a    species rest in the Kızılırmak
           vital place for birds.            Delta during and after flight
                                             preparation. Kızılırmak
           Samsun, the pearl of the          Delta, the only area where
           Black Sea, is unique in many      birds can feed and protect,
           aspects. Kızılırmak Delta; It is   is a stunning place where
           the only wetland on the Black     you can have many unique
           Sea coast of our country,         experiences. The delta is a
           whose natural features have       natural wonder that everyone
           been largely preserved. Delta     who comes to Samsun
           is also home to 22 thousand       should see.

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