Page 48 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 48

19 Mayıs District  A Natural



            Imagine a place where your       as "Nebiyan Plateau". It is
            lungs are filled with fresh      possible to carry out many
            air and you feel better than     activities in the tourism regi-
            ever. And where is that          on such as mountaineering,
            place? In Samsun's 19 Mayıs      paragliding, hiking, plateau
            District...                      tourism, photo safari and
                                             bird watching. Nebiyan
            Hiking in Nebiyan, which         Mountain, which is a source
            takes on a different beauty      of healing with its oxygen-ri-
            with the yellowed and fallen     ch forests, is an important
            leaves especially in the fall    destination in terms of natu-
            and winter months, is a          re tourism.
            wonderful activity. As you
            walk among the trees, you        The top of the mountain is a
            can hear what nature tells       must-see and is the highest
            you along with the sounds        peak in the region. Engiz
            of the leaves.                   Stream, known for its ice-
                                             cold water and flowing into
            Nebiyan Mountain, declared       the Black Sea, is also located
            a "Tourism Region" by the        on Nebiyan Mountain. On
            Ministry of Culture and Tou-     your way to the summit of
            rism, is 28 km away from         Mount Nebiyan, you can ad-
            the city center and 30 km        mire the unique view of the
            away from the district cen-      Black Sea. You can spend
            ter. Nebiyan, which is one       time for yourself and have
            of the highest points in the     a peaceful day in the region
            region with an altitude of       where nature is in front of
            1224 meters, is also known       you in all its glory.
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