Page 44 - Samsun E-Dergi sayı 9 İngilizce
P. 44

19 Mayıs District

                 At Kızılırmak Delta

                       Bird Sanctuary...

           Kızılırmak Delta Wetland          "So... How can we observe          the morning. Early morning
           and Bird Sanctuary Natural        the birds?" you may be asking      hours are the times when
           Protected Area, which is          yourself. In the Kızılırmak        birds are seen more
           connected to two districts of     Delta Bird Sanctuary, there        frequently.
           Samsun, fascinates with its       are "Bird Watching Towers"
           natural beauties, and offers      as well as visitor and             The delta, which has a
           a pleasant view to its visitors.   management centers.
           Spreading over an area of
           56,000 hectares, part of          When you come to visit the
           the delta is located in Bafra     delta, you can explore the
           District and the other part is    area to your heart's content,
           in 19 Mayıs District.             either on foot or by bike.
                                             Many different activities are
           Kızılırmak Delta Bird             also offered in the area.
           Sanctuary is about 30 km
           from the nearest town             There are also fun activities
           center. The area, which is        for nature lovers such as
           protected by UNESCO, is on        bird watching, photography,
           the "Tentative List of World      fishing, hunting, trekking,
           Cultural Heritage". There         camping, cycling and
           are approximately 340 bird        canoeing. If you want
           species in the area, which        to observe birds; we
           is located on the migration       recommend that you to
           route of many birds.              visit the sanctuary early in
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